Project features



Jan 2024

Jan 2025




Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC - Masdar

Masdar and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed an agreement to develop a 1 GW wind power plant project in the Jambyl region. The project consists of 2 phases with a capacity of the first phase at 500 MW, including a connection point to the 500kV "Zhambyl" substation and battery energy storage system. As a part of the project development stage, Masdar awarded Juru with several assignments including wind measurement campaign, ESIA as well as national EIA, transmission line routing and power evacuation studies.

Services provided

Assignment 1. Wind Measurement Campaign

  • Conduct wind speed measurements and meteorological data collection for 12 months with the installation of 4 meteorological towers up to 120m equipped with first-class meteorological sensors, compliant with IEC, IEA and MEASNET standards and 2 Lidars from ZX300M system.
  • Develop bankable final report with Loss & Uncertainty (P50, P75, P90) calculations for multiple wind turbine models and statistical analysis of wind measurement data 

Assignment 2. Power evacuation study 

  • Conduct analyses to compare all identified interconnection options and to provide potential alternative interconnection options apart that were proposed by the KEGOC
  • Develop a power evacuation scheme for 500 MW WPP with 150 MW/300 MWh BESS ( maximum of 400 cycles/year), ensuring full power evacuation, grid stability, and alignment with grid expansion plans.
  • Carry out comprehensive load flow analysis, adhering to Kazakhstan Electric Grid Rules and assess steady-state performance for various operating modes (winter/summer, max/min), considering wind integration and BESS impact for secure and efficient grid operation
  • Perform N-1 and N-2 contingency analysis to evaluate power system performance under emergency conditions and identify potential grid reinforcement for secure and reliable wind power integration
  • Obtain Technical Conditions from Kazakhstan’s TSO JSC “KEGOC”

Assignment 3. Transmission line routing

  • Determine power evacuation routing to connect WPP with the 500kV “Zhambyl” substation by ca.125 km transmission line considering E&S aspects and technical recommendations.

Assignment 4. ESIA package, LRP and national EIA

  • Conduct a comprehensive E&S Scoping study followed by biodiversity, environmental and social baseline surveys
  • Perform annual bird and bat monitoring to assess potential wind farm impacts and inform mitigation measures
  • Prepare bankable ESIA package (NTS, ESIA, TAs, ESMP),  National EIA and supplementary reports (CHA, CCRA, HRRA, GRA)
  • Assess social impacts and prepare land acquisition and livelihood restoration plan (LRP)