Project features



Mar 2017

Dec 2018





The Government of Kazakhstan set a goal to have 3% and 10% of its generation from renewable sources by 2020 and 2030, respectively. ADB recruited the Consultant to strengthen the capacity of country’s transmission system operator, JSC KEGOC, on planning and modelling the integration of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) into the national grid in Kazakhstan and to perform a long-term transmission planning studies on the integration of RE. Juru’s scope included performing long-term transmission planning studies as described below. The main goal of transmission planning studies is to identify network facilities required to operate the transmission system when planned wind and solar generation is added during the period of 2020-2030. The study should include the consideration of different credible operating scenarios considering various levels of RE penetration.

Services provided

  • Load flow analysis;
  • Short-circuit analysis (SC);
  • Dynamic analysis;
  • Impact of renewables on load schedule;
  • Analysis of technical requirements to renewables to be integrated in the power system of Kazakhstan;
  • The following analyses will be performed to identify the development scenarios:
  • Identification of bottlenecks due to the increase of renewables;
  • Analysis of existing 220 kV and above network considering new OHL 500 kV North-East-South, new OHL 220 kV, SS Pavlodar enhancement, etc.;
  • Proposals for the system development up to 2030 for each region in KZ;
  • Consideration of new and innovative technologies (HVDC, PST, SVC, etc.);
  • Consideration of four worst case operational scenarios for all studies, to be defined by KEGOC.