Project features



Sep 2021

Dec 2021





GoK has set an ambitious objective to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix with revised climate targets -i.e. 15% RE by 2030 and a net-zero target by 2060. In this context, and to support green recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the reduction of oil and gas exports, the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan (MoE) with support from EBRD, intends to develop local components of the renewables supply chain, in line with international trade rules. The assignment will help to accelerate green and resilient economic recovery from Covid-19 crisis by providing advice on measures that support job creation in the RE value chains and accelerate economic growth. The main objectives of this assignment are to: 

  • Identify opportunities and barriers for the development of key RE technologies (incl. solar and wind);
  • Provide policy and implementation recommendations to inform GoK on longer-term strategy to support local RE supply based on best international evidence, including case studies, on addressing the obstacles and enhancing RE value chain creation, whilst compliant with WTO rules;
  • Summarize the key outcomes of the assignment in a short policy paper to be published by the EBRD.

Services provided

Task 1: High-level overview of the current RES market and opportunities until 2030

  • Lead drafting a high-level review of the RES market in Kazakhstan for wind and solar PV 
  • Assess market opportunities to 2030 for equipment and service suppliers / developers
  • Review and identify relevant national policies in support of localisation, as well as a brief review of WTO rules 

Task 2: Mapping of RES value chain and application to Kazakhstan

  • Identification of current local market players and market landscape for prioritised supply chain elements including breakdown by ownership (foreign/domestic), market share, and production/service facilities
  • For value chain segments identified, assessment of localisation potential, key enablers and parameters based on metrics set through international review
  • Support in development of policy options for localisation

Task 3: Review of international best practices 

  • Review and comment on case studies and their applicability and lessons learnt for Kazakhstan
  • Provision of lessons learnt and scoping of options for Kazakhstan
  • Assessment of suitability of options in Kazakh context

Task 4: Policy guidance and recommendations 

  • Review and input to policy recommendations, implementation advice and feasibility
  • Provision of implementation advice on policy options including identifying next steps and key stakeholders, including private sector players and international organisations which can support these processes
  • Assist in verifying feasibility of suggestions with MoE and key stakeholders, including private sector players

Task 5: Policy paper and workshop on key outcomes 

  • Review of prepared policy paper and attendance and contribution to final workshops