Project features



Aug 2023

Dec 2023





The objective of this assignment is to assess the business environment, identify and provide necessary prerequisites for development of the green building market in Uzbekistan, as well as to assess private investment potential of the green building market. The key is to identify impediments hindering market creation and investments from both private and government side; what is needed to develop the market; good practices and entry points for private investments. The assignment also involves gathering and analysis of green building market information to characterize the current state, dynamics and trends of the building market and the relevant regulatory aspects in the country. The assignment covers legal and regulatory/policy, real sector and financial sector and it is divided into two work streams: 

  • Regulatory Gap Analysis and Research 
  • Market Mapping and Assessment

Services provided

Task 1 – Regulatory Gap Analysis and Research

Task 1.1. The construction sector, subsectors and relevant supply chain

  • Stakeholder mapping and analysis
  • Key market intelligence
  • Policy and regulatory framework
  • Regulatory gaps and recommendations

Task 1.2. Financing of green construction including retrofits and green mortgages

  • Public policy and regulatory framework for banking regulations on green buildings finance
  • Incentives for financial institutions and borrowers to use green mortgage
  • Regulatory impediments / barriers faced by financial institutions and borrowers to develop and use
  • green mortgages and retrofits as well as recommendations.

Task 2 – Market Mapping and Assessment

Task 2.1. The construction sector with a focus on residential, commercial and public green buildings

  • High-level market overview, building market size
  • Green building materials and overview of available supply chains
  • Assessment of Green Building data such as building performance, savings, etc
  • Sector capacity and skills
  • Assessment of Green Building impact on utilities

Task 2.2. Financing of green construction, green mortgages and retrofits

  • High-level overview of the mortgage market including green mortgages and market for retrofit, market size and projected growth;
  • Key market intelligence including names and characteristics of leading financial institutions, firms/enterprises and their stake in mortgages in general and green mortgages in particular