Project features



Dec 2023

Jul 2024




Sinohydro Tashkent LLC

ACWA Power is developing a 500 MW WPP in Gijduvan district, Bukhara region, under a public-private partnership (PPP) arrangement. Within 500 MW Bash WPP, an additional 52 MW wind capacity will be integrated, potentially expanding to 15 wind turbine generators. As a part of the project, Sinohydro Tashkent has awarded Juru to perform Engineering Design services.

Services provided

  • Develop basic design & detail Design of 500/35 substation and expansion of a 500 kV Bash secondary encompassing electrical (primary and secondary), SCADA, telecommunication, civil, structural, architectural, general layout, HVAC and Fire Protection disciplines, and final BoQ.
  • Carry out procurement support by tender technical evaluation, and technical negotiations with the selected bidders.  
  • Perform engineering review/endorsement and permitting support for a 52 MW WPP, including reviewing of design documentation for compliance with local standards and codes, supporting the Ministry of Construction (MoC) review and approval process, and obtaining final approval on design documents from all relevant local authorities.
  • Conduct grid studies, relay protection setting calculation and protection coordination studies for substation & WPP