Project features



Sep 2023

Sep 2024




Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC - Masdar

Masdar has announced plans to build a 300 MW SPV plant in the Guzar district of the Kashkadarya region in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The project will also feature a 75 MW/75 MWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and an interconnection system to supply electricity to the national grid. As part of this initiative, Masdar will establish a new Plant substation and a 0.75 km underground cable will be laid to connect the new substation to the Guzar 220kV substation in the grid. The Project involves the undertaking of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Livelihood restoration Plan and national Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The anticipated performance requirements are in line with the Environmental and Social performance standards of the EBRD, IFC, and ADB.

Services provided

  • Prepare the Scoping Report & SEP
  • Develop a Livelihood Restoration Plan
  • Prepare National EIA report to obtain local environmental permit from authorities
  • Carry out environmental baseline surveys including noise measurements, air quality measurements, soil sampling, water sampling
  • Perform biodiversity surveys including habitat/botanical survey, habitat mapping, herpetological survey, mammal survey
  • Carry out socio-economic baseline surveys including socioeconomic survey, cultural heritage, stakeholder consultations
  • Prepare ESIA package (NTS, ESIA report, ESMP)
  • Carry out stakeholder engagement and public disclosure of ESIA;
  • Prepare supplementary reports (Climate risk assessment report, Human rights assessment report (HRRA), Critical Habitat Assessment report)
  • Supporting financial closure
  • Compiling final E&S budget