Project features



Feb 2023

Mar 2023




Emerge-Limited (A Masdar & EDF Group JV)

Client was developing a techno-commercial (tariff) proposal to develop several distributed solar projects across three facilities in Tashkent (Artel Tashselmash, Artel Rohat, Tashkent Technopark) and one facility in the Chirchik city (Chirchik-Technopark). The total expected capacity of the Rooftop Solar PV (RSPV) systems is ca. 45MW. The Client is expected to negotiate and execute PPA for the generated energy on the rooftop of the facilities and consider all works related to reinforcement of roofs, installation of RSPV, interconnection to the facilities’ LV/MV power distribution network (including expansion of existing electrical equipment), and O&M works. Juru was contracted to provide technical advisory services for the below scope.

Services provided

  • Conduct geodetic site survey to plot roof dimensions, positions and heights of objects on the roof. Identify roofs access points and types, objects on the roofs as well as all concerning areas;
  • Conduct on-site expert inspection of structural integrity and technical characteristics (type, sizes of structural elements, load bearing capacity, etc.) of the roofs to provide recommendations on suitability for RSPV installation;
  • Develop RSPV layout using Helioscope software, considering the provided module and inverter types, identified obstacles, keep-outs and shading objects. Identify installable capacity and conduct Energy Yield Assessment, and calculation of financial indicators (CAPEX, OPEX, LCOE, etc.) considering local aspects;
  • Identify high-level grid interconnection measures, including reviewing and inspecting facilities’ power distribution network, assess current conditions of the interconnection points, provide concept of interconnection (cable routing, expansion needs, etc.) for further elaboration of a Scope of Works and Bill of Quantities to estimate CAPEX.